President - Josh Vinall

​Booster Club

The Cartersville Twisters Gymnastics Booster Club is a volunteer group of parents who come together to help with Competitive Team funding. By hosting 3 meets and a variety of fundraisers throughout the year, the Booster Club is able to create opportunities for gymnasts and help keep the gym current by donating funds for equipment replacement and upgrades.  The Booster Club also provides support to not only our gymnasts but also the coaches and helps create a welcoming environment to best promote the gym. 

Girls Rep - Beth Nichols

For more information about the CTG Boosters Club, please contact us at: 

Treasurer - Beth Hood

Executive Director - Ericka Zwettler

Vice-President - Adrian Bagley

Boys Rep - Sarah Yacovett

Secretary - Nayeli Barrett

Home of the Twisters